I am reporting my snowfall totals for this winter because I
have promised my daughter that we have seen the last of the snows. Actually, the snow we had last Wednesday was
the one I promised her to be the last.
Yesterday’s storm gave us another inch of snow, but it was only a rain
event at her school about one hundred miles south of here, so I’m arguing that
my promise has not been broken. At Blue
Jay Barrens we have had 22 snow storms this season and a total of 44 inches of
snowfall. In addition we have had three
more storms that brought a total of 0.8 inches of ice.
This most recent storm began as rain and ended as heavy, wet
snow driven by a powerful wind out of the north-west. The snow was melting rather quickly, but the
temperature suddenly dropped and the wet snow froze into a hard crust.
The north side of the ant hills developed a nice cap of
snow. The south side was sheltered from
the cold wind and retained much of its heat.
The snow never got a foothold there.
By mid afternoon the temperature was in the fifties, the snow was gone
and the ants were out working on their mounds.
The Indian Grass has taken a lot abuse this winter, but it
has managed to remain upright. Dozens of
sparrows have spent the past few months roosting and foraging in the tall grass
Some patches of grass were pushed almost to the
horizontal. By the end of the day they
had rebounded considerably. I’ve noticed
that wet stalks have the ability to bend without breaking and tend to regain
their shape as they dry.
The top of the hill is always a pretty sight when covered
with snow. Many of the late spring
blooming prairie plants are already beginning their growth and they won’t be
put off by a little late winter snow.
Snow cover makes it easier to see the open fields on a
distant hilltop. Those fields are used
for hay production and are already showing a lot of green. Once the trees put on their leaves, the
distant view will be lost.
This former site of a Multiflora Rose infestation is looking
clear and free of roses. I’m thinking
about removing a couple of these trees to allow a little more sunlight into the
It’s easy to tell the direction from which the storm winds
were blowing. The snow was half an inch
thick on the north-west side of the utility pole.
I love taking photos from this position because everything
in the picture is a part of Blue Jay Barrens.
No matter how much things change on neighboring properties, this view
should remain relatively constant.
It is March After All!
12 hours ago