I often tell people that living at a place as wonderful as Blue Jay Barrens provides me with an unusual problem. Where can I go on vacation that’s better than where I live? To answer that question, I’ve put together a series of typical travel shots depicting my latest vacation.

No vacation series is complete without a beginning shot looking down the road you are about to travel. This is a narrow rural route, but I’m not worried about traffic. The maintenance crew isn’t doing a very good job of maintaining the road berm. I remember the road being much wider than this.

I went past a few large cities. From the road, I could see construction in progress. The city expands a little bit each year to engulf more of the surrounding area. The road has to keep moving to stay out of its way.

I enjoyed viewing the rural homesteads along the way. The homes were rustic, but well maintained. They seemed to be wonderful places to live and raise a family.

This is where I stayed. The rather Spartan accommodations were well suited to my modest needs. It’s located rather close to the road, but I wasn’t bothered by traffic noise. I’d not had time to make reservations, so I was lucky to get such a prime location.

Here I am relaxing. I actually sat here for half an hour without contemplating all of the work and management activities I could see needing done before me. That’s what made this a vacation. To be honest, I did think about removing those Yucca plants directly in front of me as well as thinning some of the cedars on the slope to the right, but that’s practically nothing compared to what normally runs through my mind.

Here’s what I came to see. The always beautiful and never repeating patterns of the sunset never lose their appeal. Once the sky darkened, I headed home. Total duration of the vacation was 45 minutes, including the 10 minute round trip travel time. This is the kind of vacation that I really enjoy.
SkyWatch Friday submission.
Hi Steve...AW there is nothing like a good vacation to refresh the mind !!
ReplyDeleteI am so happy for you to have this time to rejevanate ...how come the wife didn't join you !! lol lol !!
Yes, a beautiful place to vacation! And, travel time is so short. ;) Love that sunset.
ReplyDeleteWe are pretty backwards people. We go away to go to work where other people are vacationing; we come home to vacation where other people are at work.
There's no place like home.
Great photos...I hear what you are saying about when you live in a beautiful place it's hard to imagine vacationing anywhere else. Where I live people come from all over the world to see the sights and beauty of the coast and all it has to offer. I love my smalltown as I am sure you love yours...As Dorothy said "there's no place like home"
ReplyDeleteHi, grammie g. My wife thinks it works better if I vacation on the hill while she stays in the house. She's not as immune to bug bites as I am.
ReplyDeleteHi, Lois. The travel time is definitely a plus. Where I live, it's hard to get anywhere in five minutes.
Thanks, Smalltown. Smalltowns are great. I've lived in large cities before and I would never go back to one.
So this is where you live? I'm from Dayton, Blue Jay Barrens looks like a nice place tucked away from everyone. Great Series!!!
ReplyDeleteHi I'm arriving from SWF, enjoyed reading about your vacation. Amazing sunset!
ReplyDeleteFun post! While we don't have an expanse of private property like you do, it's a challenge for us to think of a better place to go vacation than staying where we live.
ReplyDeleteI have also come back from a road trip and the sky I saw was amazing.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Saun. Yes, this is where I live. I've got a larger than average back yard.
ReplyDeleteThanks, DJ.
Hi, Katie. I think it's great when people can live in a place they so enjoy.
Hi, Nisha. I checked out your photos. That was an interesting sky.