Salamander larvae are developing quickly in the warm waters
of the toad pool. The plump belly on
this guy attests to the fact that the pool has no shortage of food items
suitable to hungry young salamanders.
Vegetation has filled in nicely around the pool. Unfortunately, no toads have yet
visited. Depressions in the mud bottom
are the result of deer traffic. Several
deer trails intersect here. Recent rains
have recharged the ground water reservoir responsible for keeping the pool full,
so there should be no repeat of last year’s disastrous premature water
Salamander larvae do nothing but eat. Large heads accommodate large mouths and the
salamander will eat anything it can get through its mouth.
External gills on the back of the head will remain until the
salamander has developed enough to leave the water and begin a terrestrial
existence. The developing front legs can
be seen directly below the gills. The
rear legs are just beginning to emerge.
This individual needs about another four weeks before it ends its larval
Wood Frog tadpoles remain plump and are growing
rapidly. Hind legs will begin to show in
another week of so. It’s likely that the
piece missing from this tadpole’s tail was removed by a hungry salamander
Even though they are not predatory, Wood Frog tadpoles also live
to eat. They feed on plankton, algae and
decomposing plant and animal matter.
Their feeding activities clean away algae and keep the water clear. Their waste products feed plankton and algae,
so the more they eat, the better conditions are for more food to grow. This is how masses of tadpoles manage to
prosper while crowded together in small puddles.
Some of the largest salamander larvae are a potential threat
to the Wood Frog tadpoles. I usually
think of salamander larvae as fragile creatures, but they can be terrors to
other aquatic life in the pool.
I saw this salamander trying to swallow something that had
been reduced to a pulpy white mass. It
just couldn’t quite get the whole thing in its mouth. I’m sure that the salamander wasn’t going to
give up and whatever the food item was, it eventually went down.
Sauble Beach
4 hours ago
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