I was wandering through the field, tracking down the last of
the Teasel, when a female Goldfinch suddenly shot out of this small Flowering
Dogwood. I’m used to Goldfinches
chattering away as they move around in small flocks from one feeding site to
another. A lone bird hiding in a tree
must mean there’s something special about that tree.
I moved closer and could detect a brown mass concealed by
the leaves. A nest. Small shrubs and trees in a generally open
field are heavily utilized as nest sites by many bird species. The nests are difficult to see while the
leaves are on. In early winter, when the
leaves have all dropped, the nests are quite conspicuous.
Goldfinches typically lay between four and six eggs, so this
nest could still receive another egg or two.
The nests are commonly lined with pappus collected from
thistle seed heads. Pappus is the fluffy
material attached to the thistle seed that allows the seed to be lifted by the
wind and carried to distant locations.
The tall thistle species are just beginning to bloom at Blue Jay
Barrens, so they are not yet a source of pappus. I believe this nest lining came from the
shorter and earlier blooming Pasture Thistle, Cirsium pumilum.
There’s not much chance of this nest being dislodged from
the tree. The sides of the nest are strongly anchored to a half dozen stout
Spider webs are used on the cup edge and the outside of the
nest to help hold the material in place.
While admiring the Goldfinch nest, I noticed a similar brown
mass in a nearby Redbud.
I believe this to be the nest of an Indigo Bunting. I’ve seen active bunting nests and this
matches what I’ve seen before.
I periodically remove the trees and shrubs growing in this
field when they begin to overtop the prairie grass. When they are small, the trees serve a
valuable function as nesting structures.
Fortunately, there are always new volunteers coming along to take the
place of those specimens I remove.
Crosshatch wave mystery
6 hours ago
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