Friday, November 6, 2015

Cedar Waxwings

Eastern Red Cedar fruit is ripe and the Cedar Waxwings have moved in to feed on their namesake meal.  As if in response to the overabundance of cedar fruit produced this year, the Cedar Waxwing flocks are larger than I normally see here in the fall.  This individual is part of a flock that numbers in excess of 100 birds.

The birds are in almost constant motion as they move to and from the fruit laden cedar.

Time spent in the branches of the cedar is spent in consuming as much fruit as possible.

There’s no shortage of fruit on this tree now, but if the Cedar Waxwings stick around, the tree will probably be without fruit in less than a week.  This is a show that I look forward to each year.

The Cedar Waxwings move in for a quick feed and then move away to perch on the leafless branches of nearby deciduous trees.

The birds act as though the food will disappear if they don’t grab it right away.

The bird in the center consumes at least a half dozen fruits in this 16 second video.

If these videos fail to perform, they may be viewed on YouTube by clicking Video 1 or Video 2 or Video 3.