If today is your Birthday, here’s a Birthday greeting, compliments of someone who couldn’t keep hold of their party balloon. This is the fourth balloon I’ve found this year. With three months still left in the year, I may be able to set a balloon finding record. I’ve watched people clean up after a backyard party by untying balloons from chairs and deck railings and letting them float into the sky. Do they think they’re releasing them back into their native habitat? I’m betting my next balloon will have a Halloween theme and display either a witch face or a black cat.

This particular balloon must have come into contact with some of the party treats because there were several flies feeding on its surface. This fly, a bee mimic, wouldn’t even leave when I picked the balloon up.

There must be something mighty tasty here. Several flies of this same type were feeding on nearby asters. I wonder if this fly went back to that natural food after I took away its balloon.

I never saw this fly feed, but it wouldn’t leave the balloon. Maybe it was just enjoying the sweet sensation being transmitted through the sensory receptors in its feet.
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