This is the time of year to enjoy the lovely blooms of the
tall native thistles. These gangly
giants can reach a towering 9 feet tall and produce dozens of separate flower
heads. Each bloom is like a starburst
fireworks display. The pictured creation
was produced by the common Field Thistle, Cirsium discolor.
Like many other plants of the prairie, Field Thistle failed
to live up to its expectations this year.
At 24 inches tall, this plant barely makes it above the surrounding
grass. The effects of an early season
drought continue to be demonstrated by the short stature of normally tall and
robust plants.
Field Thistle is usually a short lived perennial plant in
this area, so it began its growth by using root stored energy from the previous
growing season. As the leaves developed,
the plant was no longer dependent on stored energy and began producing its
energy through photosynthesis. The first
priority for this newly produced energy is for root growth. It’s easy to see the cycle of death and
regrowth of the above ground portion of the plant. What goes unnoticed is a similar cycle with
the roots. As the growing season
progresses, the old root mass declines in favor of fresh new growth. The success of the root replacement process
strongly influences that amount of energy available for leaf growth, flowering
and seed production. The plant’s
priority is to amass a store of energy sufficient to carry it though the coming
winter. In extremely stressful years,
this may mean no flowers at all.
Fewer flower heads means that flower visitors have to crowd
in and share the bloom. Most flowers
contain a mixed bag of beetle species.
Many people are quick to tag all tall growing thistles as
the non-native Bull Thistle. A check of
the stem will quickly separate the Bull Thistle from the natives. The stem of the Bull Thistle contains spines,
while the native thistles have a spineless stem. The leaf tips still carry a full arsenal of
sharp spines, so it’s best to be cautious around these plants.

Even a handful of flower heads will produce a large quantity
of seed. Seeds are distributed by the
wind, but the birds will take most of them before they are fully ripe. It appears that the fight for seeds will be
highly competitive this year. I hope
deep, persistent snow cover doesn’t add to the problems related to a diminished
seed crop.
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