People keep asking for an explanation for the absence of my Blue Jay Barrens blog over the winter and usually phrase their request in the form of the question “Where were you?” I was going to dig through my winter photos and use them as visuals to accompany my story, but with the Sunday morning snow yesterday, I decided I would just take some fresh photos. I hope the photos are of interest, because the story isn’t much.

While uploading photos in December, I received an error message saying that the destination file was not found. A quick check revealed that I, along with everyone else, had lost contact with the blog. The problem persisted the next day, so I submitted a request for assistance in becoming reconnected. Another day passed and still I had no connection. I have little patience with equipment that doesn’t work properly, so I shut the computer off and looked for something else to do.

I have no shortage of activities that I would like to pursue. Suddenly, the time I had devoted to the blog was taken up by other things. I figured I would give the experts time to fix the problem and then I would continue blogging. It apparently only took a few days to get the problem corrected, but it took three months before I turned the computer back on.

During the blog’s down time, I was doing pretty much what I always do. My days were filled with going to work, spending time with the family, taking pictures and working on the property. I was told that someone thought I had died and I’m sorry to be a cause for concern, but I don’t believe my last dieing act will be the dismantling of this blog.

The blog is back in my schedule and should continue until the next unforeseen circumstance. I’m often asked how I manage to post every day. Well, it was never my intent to post daily, but there are people who visit every day and it seems to me like there ought to be something new for them to see on each visit. I carry my camera with me whenever I’m outside, so I take a lot of pictures. If I’m just out walking, I average about 100 shots per hour. I have plenty of photos to post and I just try to vary the subjects enough to give a well rounded selection of what I’m looking at.

With the photos come the words. “The Words” is what I call the narrative in my blog. I’ll read through my text to correct typing errors, but I really don’t do any editing. I think some people have suspected that. What I type is pretty much what I would have said if we’d been standing out in the field together, so it’s not really a time consuming process. Now you know what happened and have had a little look behind the scenes of the production of the Blue Jay Barrens blog. I had better go look around for something interesting to use for tomorrow’s posting.