As the weather worsens, birds seem to become more tolerant of my presence near the feeders. The Titmouse and Chickadee usually come to the feed while I’m still close by, but they normally don’t let me stand beside the feeder to take their picture. I don’t have much of a zoom capability on my camera, so if I’m going to take a close-up I need to be close up.

This female Cardinal watched as I crouched down on the opposite side of the feed pile. She was satisfied to take those seeds that were at the extreme limit from me. The snowflakes zipping by made some interesting pattern changes to the bird’s normal appearance. Snow on the camera lens also made some interesting effects. When I reviewed my photos, I was excited to see a strange white bird with a brown cap. Closer examination showed it to be a Song Sparrow with its body hidden by snow on the camera lens.

Mr. Cardinal felt safe with a little bit of snow between us. He had plenty of seed available there. I had just used the shop broom to clear snow from the feeding area and a lot of the seed I had put out at dawn was pushed to the side. I hate to make the birds dig in the snow for their food.

At 12 feet, most of the birds felt it safe to begin the feeding frenzy.

There’ve been several White-Throated Sparrows around this winter. Normally they don’t appear until March.

Those birds that weren’t eating, hung around the bushes waiting their turn for a drink and bath.

This end of the pond always has some open water and attracts bird activity all winter. The rain that preceded the snow created more open water than normal.

I didn’t get much notice as I walked past the feeders on my way back to the house. The birds cleaned up about 15 pounds of seed on the day of the storm.
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